In KALINKA we use the latest, internationally approved diagnostic methods for early detection of the wide spectrum of developmental disorders:
- Autism and other pervasive disorders
- Speech disorders
- Disorders in motoric functions
- Learning disorders
The treatment approach is integrative, including:
- Use of sensory integration, ABA method and learning social skills
- Stimulation and initiation of speech through educative and interactive games and activities
- Use of psycho-motoric reeducation, exercises for fine; gross and graphomotor skills.
- Activities for preschool children.
- Activities for school age children modified for easier learning and overcoming of school challenges.
All diagnostic procedures are implemented by multi-profile team of specialists and are based on validated tests and methods: - ADOS-2 (Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule) - ADI-R (Autism Diagnostic Interview- Revised) - EEGdiagnostic |